#30: Representation of social groups in my media project

Prologue: I've always been a quiet child since I was small. 
While others run around, getting themselves into trouble :>, I prefer to sit back and watch, finding pure joy in observing things.

Why I choose to represent the Millennials and Gen Z
y natural inclination towards quietness makes me very much conscious of all the changes that happen around, like noticing what was easily overlooked by my peers. Thus, my school life experiences were quite varied compared to many, probably because I have gone to several schools, both public and private.
    Both these factors form my interest in this drama genre, which is to address certain issues that lie within our generation. It is based on what I observed, and experienced throughout all those years in different environments, kind of incentivising me to represent the Millennials and Gen Z in my media product.

A real-life Millennials, Gen Z issue and its portrayal in our characters.
# The trend of "following the crowd" (of trying to fit into the crowd)
    I remembered in eighth grade, we had this big scandal when a market of vape, was founded. An investigation took place not long after, and it all quickly unfolded. The case itself was quite interesting.
    It starts with a boy who was given a vape by his tutor, he brought it to class and shared this with others. The crowd slowly gathered, and one vape soon became not enough,  just as society works, high demand followed by supply..then you know what happened next. 
(about the result: 1 was expelled, and about 50 people were suspended)

    The important question was: Why the trend grew so quickly?
    + If you ask me, which you don't really have a choice of :),  I personally see that incident as a perfect example of the 'following the crowd" thing, which was quite common in young people. No one wants to be a lone wolf in the pack, they need a sense of belonging. It was like this desire for 'community fame', fueled by the rise of social media, one we as young people have always been growing with.
...It is all it takes for one vape to become popular. Cause no one tries to stop the spread, from another perspective, vape wasn't even the real thing that attracted them, but the power of the crowd did. It also shows the influence other friends have on teenagers. When this teen crowd considered 'vaping' cool, and a trendy thing to do, it's when the vaper population grew.
How is this issue addressed in my media product?
    Well..in an indirect way...
    I intend for the 
voiceovers to be personal and intimate, almost like a one-to-one dialogue from the character, so therefore, it could be said that 'she' in the audience was all created by hers, based on what she told us. 
And then by chose not to mention her inner conflict, the guilt that dives deep inside her, it gives a sense that she is trying to normalize her action and her coldness. This, in a way, mean she put herself on a framework of how she should act like the majority and can be seen to be a certain form of "following the crowd", in fact, more like trying to fit in.
ADDING POINT for the use of voiceover
    The intimate voiceover also gives a hint of the character's type of personality, as an introvert. While she finds it comfortable to basically, have a diary-like monologue of her past, her lack of actions at that time, doing nothing to comfort her friend, though slightly sensing something was wrong shows her refusal of verbal communication, an increasingly popular phenomenon that exists in young people.
    It can also be linked as a representative of the 'indifference' in young people nowadays, which still is a controversial topic in society, but has long been called out by the older generation, for we often don't have that spirit of 'heroism' or 'selflessness', always appear to be inactive and having that lack of commitment.


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