#28: AI, creativity, originality

    As you might have guessed from the title, the previous post was AI-written, by ChatGPT to be exact.
    While the chaos over this phenomenal language model hasn't stopped yet...lets us begin with this recently-quite-controversial question:

"Is AI going to kill journalism and the creative arts?" 
   From my view, as big as this question sounds to be, the answer was quite simple and frank. No, no, never...
The problem though, can't be determined only by a response of "yes or no". 'Kill' is indeed, a bit of a strong word but almost certainly, we know AI would bring a revolution to the creative works industry.
Why 'no' though?
    Simply as they are creative works. 
    How it should be to considered to be creative? Well...in words, we can assume it is unique, the one-and-only, but of course, there are no automatic step-to-step instructions on creating one. Human creativity is not bound by any limitations nor does it have any criteria.
     One thing about AI is that they learn from algorithms, data, those ideas that typically fit into a certain rule, almost conventional in media terms and then a constant cycle of trying to replicate that, again.  
(Take this as an example, if people say the "Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022) " script was written by AI?  Would you believe it? Likely, you would immediately laugh at their face or ask if they are telling a sarcastic joke 😜. )
    AI is still in its development process, yet it won't be capable of 'killing' creative art or journalism now, and even in the future.  However, in my prediction, it would likely create competition, for those mass-audience products and I guess in a good way, would actually encourage people to turn back to originality, - as having been bombarded with similar standardised products, naturally, they would thirst for something differentiated, maybe no matter how weird or abnormal it seems to be.
Criticism corner: A reminder - AI also makes mistakes, maybe less common than we do, as humans, but they do too :).

Can ChatGPT write my film plot? Is there anything that makes it completely original (human-written)?
    In a way, I want my film to be unique, and different...but still, I want most people able to feel related to it, so the story itself was more of a combination of both conventions and originality. Thus, a film opening with a span of 2 minutes was not that long for me to actually push everything I wanted in, because as certainly I want to look at teenagers in a more personal way or discuss those issues they face from a new perspective, overall, a slow, subtle film flow was what I aim for.
Can ChatGPT write my film plot though? Whether the answer was yes or no, it was like an oversimplified assumption. 
    I think what make my story original was the characteristics I create for my main characters. In a sense, they are those people that don't suppose to take a lead in a story, in a film, or in any media product. Just rather uncommon...They are kind of like these silent outsiders we tend to overlook in this world:))


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