#26: If my project belonged to a fandom

    If my project belonged to a fandom...it would be a part of...

Sally Rooney's universe

Sally Rooney, the millennial novelist - 'Salinger for the Snapchat generation'
        I don’t really believe in the idea of the individual,
I find myself consistently drawn to writing about intimacy, and the way we construct one another.
- Sally Rooney -

  If her quote shares a view of what I thought it to be, it is, indeed, an idea that I have consistently included in my blog posts, and then some of it (the idea!) in my media product. That humans are changeable, quite easily. Our characteristics never stop at the moment we are born, they are shaped through time, by multiple factors, such as our childhood, living circumstances or in particular, the people that we interact with - if it is what Sally meant by saying 'intimacy'.
    It's not a matter if you want to change or not, you would never find yourself remaining the same, fast-forward through the part of childhood that our brain still learning and developing, you in your 20s would still be much different to that mid-30s of yourself...
    And in a similar way, when reading Sally Rooney's novel, it makes much more sense when having this kind of bouncing relationship between her characters. It shaped them as individuals, their relationship did "construct one another". Each character somehow all have a big impact on one another. 
    While many claimed that her characters are annoying, I wouldn't deny that most have flaws. But when their circumstances are taken into account, reasons that explain the built-up of those "annoying" traits of theirs, does it then become deeply relatable? Take Marianne (
Normal People), for example, she's certainly an oddball, and I don't think she's a lovable character either. But...she grows up in a toxic family, and had an abusive father, and then a brother, those are influences that make her the person she is.
Sally Rooney's approach to human flaws and particularly, the feeling of 'anchorlessness' that flows in her Millennial generation is subtle, and reasonable... and it touches my heart.
    Well...take this quote from this one book I read recently (the book from another writer, not as good as many, poor-written if frankly, but its theme is interesting though and I like this quote (:
“There is no such thing as bad people. 
We’re all just people who sometimes do bad things. ”
Ryle - It Ends With Us - Colleen Hoover
    I know I am not a bad person, though I can't help myself from having evil thoughts sometimes, everyone is. But we all have stories, backgrounds and maybe influence from someone or something to justify our actions and thoughts.
 So it creates a motive that in my media project, I want to create that kind of character like me, like in Sally Rooney's. It's might hard to recognise it as a piece of fanwork though, of her literary universe, as I also didn't intend it to be, directly, but it's just an answer to "if my project belonged to a fandom..."


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