#19: Poor shooting conditions

 The worst aspect of shooting scene at school and how it affected my "Whiplash - break up scene" remake project.

Why I personally don't like filming at school?  

    I guess you all have this feeling once, the uncomfortable feeling when being stared at. I always have that. It's the main cause that makes me find it hard to focus on and get into the character's mindset when having to act in public.
    School is always crowded and when you in a public spot, surrounded by curious gazes from others and then add to it, all the sounds in that open space come to you, lively and vibrant, it's distracting and extremely annoying. This often results in reducing the quality of the work.

 How it affects my "Whiplash - break up scene" remake 
    Apart from the matter of comfort (which I think can have a large impact on our performance), when looking at the technical aspects, there are other things that went wrong or didn't work out as we planned. In a setting like a school, it is hard to get full control over those factors.
    Though I would not consider sound a serious issue as it can be added in post-production,  I suppose it can still be said to be one difficulty we faced during the filming process at school. Like...you must know what kind of sounds normally exist in school? Shouting, screaming, yelling, and a bunch of other strange, out-of-the-ordinary noises. In fact, in the raw footage, there were some noticeable times when our voice was drowned in all those sounds, making it muddled and difficult to hear. 
    Another thing that didn't go well for us was the weather. 
In fact, that was an extremely windy day. The wind not only muffles our voices on the record, it also makes things look cluttered, somehow ruining the cinematic look.

My correction of these aspects for my media product
    We wouldn't immediately use the audio recorded in the raw footage. We would add voice-overs after. The audio would likely to sounds better, definitely adding more consistency, though it might take more time and work.
    For the weather, we can only plan for it (after all, none of us possesses the superpower to control natural elements :>) We would keep an eye on the weather forecast and then arrange a suitable filming schedule accordingly.


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